Grading and Reporting

eLearning Grading and Reporting Information for 2023-24

The Baltimore County Public Schools eLearning program uses the 50-point grading scale to evaluate student performance and report progress. In the 50 points scale, all scores will range between 50 and 100. Students scoring less than a 50% on any given assignment will receive an LS code, indicating the score is outside of the point range. This includes any non-submitted assignments. When students see an LS code for any assignment, they should review the feedback in the gradebook and make any adjustments within the designated grace period.

All assignments will have a due date assigned to them in Schoology. Once the due date passes, students will have a one-week grace period to submit any outstanding assignments. If a student fails to submit an assignment within the grace period, the assignment will be locked and the score of LS will be final. Students will not be able to submit assignments outside of grace period unless a preapproved extension is granted by the teacher. Situations warranting an extension may include (but not limited to) extreme hardship, medically documented long-term illness, documented ongoing technology issues with their BCPS device, etc.

Final marking period grades are calculated using the following formula:

  • Major assessments will count towards 30% of the marking period grade.
  • Minor assessments will be counted for 70% of the marking period grade.
  • Questions about grades on an assignment should first be communicated to the students' teacher of record.
  • Any appeals should be directed to the program administrator.

Regular, daily attendance to school is a requirement, and the expectation for eLearning is the same as all BCPS comprehensive schools, centers, and programs. Students will have daily attendance taken in homeroom. Attendance will also be taken during each scheduled class period. Students must acknowledge they are present using the audio/video tools in Google meet. If there is a technology issue that is prohibiting microphones/cameras from working, a BCPS help desk ticket must be submitted and the ticket number provided to the teacher to ensure the technology issue is resolved quickly. Students must verify that they are attending the session through the use of audio/video toolkit.